Welcome to LKS Project Docs

  • This is project, blog and shop with the most modern technologies, also for testing new version of python and django.
  • This is just a pet project backend, this is not a boxed solution, this is just an API for my project.

Project Install from repo for developing

Clone project:

git clone -b develop https://github.com/63phc/lks.git
  • There are two ways to start a project, all in docker or only pg, redis in docker
  • You can not use docker, then you should have pg and redis in local

Start in Docker

Start for developing locale with postgres, redis in docker

  • in file .env:6 need update POSTGRES_HOST=localhost:

    docker-compose -f .docker/docker-compose.local.yml up postgresql redis
  • Create virtual env:

    python3 -m venv Venv
    source Venv/bin/activate
    pip3 install -r src/requirements/development.txt
  • Or through pipenv:

    pip3 install pipenv
    pipenv install
    pipenv shell
  • Env File

  • edit .env.example file with your params:

    cp .env.example .env
  • Prepare project:

    python manage.py makemigration
    python manage.py migrate
    python manage.py createsuperuser
    python manage.py loaddata src/fixtures/*.json
    python manage.py runserver

Git flow

  • Easy git flow:

    git checkout develop
    git pull develop
    git checkout -b <your branch>
    # when complete task
    git add .
    git commit -m '#<number task> commit messages'
    git push origin <your branch>
  • Git flow healthy person https://danielkummer.github.io/git-flow-cheatsheet/

  • Settings flake + pre-commit hook:

    sudo pip3 install flake8
    flake8 --install-hook git
    git config --global --bool flake8.strict true
  • Easy start -> ctrl + shift + a -> flake -> enter